Sunday Night Ritual Version 3.0

In the spirit of competition, I decided to time myself (again) preparing my supplements and DMSA for the week ahead. Here are last week’s numbers:

Start Time End Time Length
Supplements 9:57 PM 10:08 PM 11 min
DMSA 10:13 PM 10:28 PM 15 min
Total: 26 min

And here are the new numbers from tonight’s exercise:

Start Time End Time Length
Supplements 8:24 PM 8:35 PM 11 min
DMSA 8:36 PM 8:49 PM 13 min
Total: 24 min

It appears I have plateaued when filling my supplements pill planner, but managed to eek out another two-minutes when creating my DMSA capsules. That’s a reduction of 15%. Not too bad. I doubt I will see much more improvements moving forward, and wouldn’t be surprised if the time increases when I switch my dosing from every four-hours to every three-hours.